Household Goods
What do you do when your house closes but the one you’re moving into isn’t ready for another day? Your banker or realtor isn’t likely going to let you store your goods in their garage. We got you.
Storage in Vehicle
Nope, not in your car. This is when, no matter what you do or how much you complain, you can’t get into your house the same day as your move. This just may be your solution. We have a per 24-hour charge for what we call SIV storage. Give us a call to learn more.
Permanent Storage
Sorry, no acronym for this one. This is when you store your goods with us for more than 90 days. Monthly charges are based on the weight of your goods. Out of sight, out of mind, but on your credit card statement every month.
Business Storage
Do you own a business and need to have items shipped to your office but don’t have the space? Are you running out of room and don’t have any storage onsite? Moving and need somewhere to store your things until the new space is ready? Whatever the reason, we can likely be your hero. Give us a call today to talk to our IOMI-certified estimator.
Storage-in-Transit Storage
What the ??? Yes, this is really a thing. Also called SIT Storage, this is when you store your goods with us for less than 90 days and you’re moving to another location within Washington. The charge is based on the weight of your goods, not the size of the storage unit, because we store your goods in these really cool wooden vaults with blankets kept on all of your furniture.
Wine Storage
Whether you have just a few bottles or a substantial wine collection, we can provide you with short- or long-term storage solutions for your wine investment. We can also temporarily store your wine if you’re in the middle of a renovation or move. Need us to accept wine shipments on your behalf? We can do that, too (Monday - Friday, give us a break over the weekends). Our state-of-the-art cooling system keeps your investment at a constant temperature of 55-57 degrees and 60-70 degree humidity. Come visit or call today to learn more.